Ibdaa Academy

Behavioral Based Safety

Overall Course Objective Behavioral Based Safety training is designed for companies and individuals who wish to brief all employees on the awareness of safety culture and Attitudes of individuals in the workplace.

Main Training Modules:

Course Level: (Basic: 8 hours / Intermediate: 16 Hours)

1. Define Behavior Based Safety and Know importance of behavior-based safety

– Characteristics of an Effective Culture

– Journey to Safety Culture

– Actively Caring for Safety

2. Understand Safety Culture and Safety Influencer

–  Know the Importance of BBS in workplace

– Understanding the Risk through Observation

– Understanding Your Role in Influencing Behavior

3. State basic behavior principles

– Reasons of Safety Culture Fails

– The Deming Cycle

4. Effective Communication with Organization

– Importance of Communication in Behavior-Based Safety

– Intervening with Activators

– Intervening As a Behavior Change Agent

5. Developing & Implementing the action Plan for BBS

– Effectively Implement BBS Program

– Evaluation Tools

– Ensuring Safety Responsibilities