Ibdaa Academy

Risk Assessment

Overall Course Objective The Risk Assessment training is designed for companies and individuals who wish to brief all employees on the Hazards, & Risk Assessment at workplace.

Main Training Modules:

1. Define Commonly Used Terms in the Risk Assessment Process

– Hazards and Risks

– Reasons for Assessing the Risks

2. Identifying Hazards & Risk Present in a Particular Activity

– Task Analysis

– Plaining for the Risk Assessment

– Introduction of Four Basic Hazard Category

3. Consider Who Might be Harmed and How in a Particular Activity

– Identify Groups at risks

– Unplanned Event

– The Iceberg Theory

4. Decide Which Controls to be Used during the Activities

– Evaluation of the Risk

– What Difference Control Measure bring to our assessment

– Risk Control Matrix

5. Risk Management Techniques

– Hierarchy of Control

– Techniques to manage the Risk

6. Discussions on Worst Case Scenarios

– Practice the Risk Assessment with help of case study.